WLC Client App - Slim Version

If you get an error when running the WLC Client App, please follow the instruction below to download the Slim Version of the app:

  1. Click here to download the file wlcapp-selfextracting.exe to your computer. The file will be saved in the Downloads folder.
  2. Open wlcapp-selfextracting.exe. A dialog box will open to let you extract (unzip) the WLC App files on your computer. The default location for extracting the files is C:\WLCApp (the WLCApp folder on the C drive).
  3. Make sure the Overwrite files without prompting check box is selected, and click on the Unzip button. The files will be extracted in the WLCApp folder on the C drive. You can then close the dialog box.
  4. Go to the WLCApp folder. The folder should contain a file named wlcapp-win-slim.exe. This is the slim version of the app. You can double-click on it to start it.
  5. You can also create a shortcut to this program so you can easily start it from the Desktop. First click on the file to select it. Then right-click on it to open its menu. Now move the mouse pointer over Send to and click on Desktop (create shortcut). A shortcut to the program will be placed on the Desktop. You can start the program by double-clicking on its shortcut.